The dear old BOA...they do it for the lulz. Teh konstitutionz is not a cool guy. Eh is not worth following and is afraid of everything, lawl. I wonder what it feels like to be a BOA director...Must feel really powerful. Using the constitution as a sort of RL e-penis...woah. I can just imagine: "Let's create by-laws so we can pretend we have power. However, when the time will come to follow them, we won't. We'll just make up new rules on the spot, duh. Har har. Har har har. Pass me some brandy."
Or, you know...Maybe the board ran out of shit tickets.
Perhaps it would also have been wise for the defendants to abstain from choosing the parameters of their judgment. They were also doing for the lulz. They trolled the board, and were like "Wut, bitch? You wan' a piece of dis? We's going to votez anyways, muhfucka! Policies ain't worth shit, yo. Brrrrrap! Fuck da police."
The problem is that you can't pick and choose what parts of the constitution you like, and change what you don't like as you go along. And even if you can (which is possible), how little sense does it make that the defendant in a case can choose the parameters of the arbitration, but that the plaintiff gets no say. An abstention would have been appropriate. An abstention there was not.
Who know what'll happen. The "i" word has been thrown around. The constitution was burned in front of Tabaret. Someone (not a board member) has already contested the Chair's decision from last night to...the SAC.
It's a shit storm. Hopefully something good will come of this, not immediately. Sometimes, it's better to rebuild from the ashes. No doubt in my mind, it is broken.
15 years ago
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