I apologize for interrupting the blogging on Friday. As you may have read on other blogs, or as you may have heard through word of mouth, Friday's hearing had to be interrupted, due to too much rage in the room.
The whole thing was a circus, a farce. And yet, this once, there were very few lulz. These people (and their people) --I lump in both sides, here -- are taking shit WAY too seriously. Or not seriously enough. I'm not sure which. Perhaps both.
I am interrupting my blogging on SFUOlulz, due to major CANCER in this process. When there is cancer, there are no lulz. I'm not laughing. Not even at other people's expense. It was pathetic.
Stay tuned for the spinoff blog.
15 years ago
Hang in there, Pretti Kitti. The lulz will be back when this is all over.