Friday, February 6, 2009

bleg of all blag-bloogs

Nothing overly exciting has happened for me to blog about since my exclusive story about Seamus being a werewolf. So, I have decided to review a bunch of the other electoral blogs for you until I have something juicier.

SFUO Soapbox - right now the soapbox is a to-the-point set of debate infos, and I do not see it getting fancier. It's sorted by candidate, so it's clean and easy to read, but it's a little bland. If you want the dry, as-is info that came out of the candidates' mouths at the debates (and I am assuming it will continue to house similar information as this goes on), this is your box. If you want something a little more entertaining, I'd like to know why you're reading about elections ;-) I give this blag a 6750.76 out of 9001.

LiveBlogging the BOA - ahem. This is the SFUO elections. You are either advertising falsely or not doing your job. Or a combination of the two. Also, your blag is way too pink. Contrasted to the soapbox (above), LiveBlogging is a little more relaxed but has less direct, useful infos. Not like this blag. Fedesaurus and I only have the most useful, relevant information for you. However, I really admire her sense of humour, and her use of in-blog links to emphasize her point. I might be in love, if not for all that pink. 6750.78 out of 9001.1.

UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! While I was writing this, it seems the pink left! Now I am in love. You earn 2000 extra points for this fantastic reskinning decision! This is what it used to look like:

SFUO Blog - I liek the vidjas. This is intervewes with the candidates, video-style. I imagine they are not too bad either, based on reading a couple transcripts. "Unfortunately", vlogging is not a new concept, so you also ought to tack "unoriginal" onto the end of your negative adjectives there, chief. Maybe "unimpressive" too, since I was not impressed enough to press play. Without watching any of the videos, I arbitrarily give this blag a 999 out of 9999. Fail.

iBlogSFUO - This one is interesting. It is much more of a chronicles of Amalia Savva's journey down the road that is fed elections. This blag is also bilingual, which is worth some points. I'd say 141.62. For a personal blag, it isn't bad, and it showcases her human opinion of the candidates, which is actually a nice view to have. Amalia, you've earned 5233+141.62=5374.62 out of 9000.00004 points. Good work!

UOelection09 - Mostly just contains answer-these-five-questions profiles on candidates that seem to have been received by email. It's moderately satisfying though, and contains a lot of profiles alongside a few actual blog posts, so it will get moderate points. 11610 out of 21451 Octal.

Elections 2009 de la FEUO, Tristan Denommee - this blag is English, these linked ones are French. Isn't that nice? You guys, for blogging the other side of the 'lingualism so thoroughly (and from what I hear, really well and really controversially), I've decided to give you 9000 points to split. Decide amongst yourselves how to split them.

So who is the winner? Well, obviously this is the bestest blug evar, but I cannot give us points. That would be biased. So, keeping that in mind, I think it is clear that Seamus Wolfe is the winner. Instead of reading blogs, just go bask in his beardiness for a while. I hear it has healing powers.


  1. man. what a crazy coincidence. we made an administrative decision this morning to de-pink-ify the blog (there was gender parity, don't worry), and i was html-ing away when i saw this. HOW CAN WE BE LOVERS IF I DON'T HAVE YOUR NUMBER, DAVE?

    ps. we've been blogging since BEFORE it was cool. i think we deserve 3291872839 extra points for that.

  2. You might be surprised to hear this, but the scores were weighted to make sure Seamus won. So, as much as I'd love to, I can't give you those extra points.

    Maybe when this is all over I'll come out from behind the internets. Then we can be lovers. But for now, I can't be too careful. Safety first, you know.

    I hope you like applesauce. (ewwwwwww...)

  3. Thanks for the mention, I'm working on it as we speak (write?): I'll be updating & reformatting the debates posts, adding commentary and multimedia as well as occasional lulz.

    Logan (SFUO Soapbox)

  4. mmm, points. hope you like our new stylez.
