Let's talk referendums. I'll talk, and then I'll say "yaya" or "nono" to each, and you'll vote that way. Sound easy, right?
The food bank is tasty, like your mum, which earns it some puntos. Plus, poor rez kidz need it. Yaya.
ACRES can have the money that goes to iHouse or to clubs. The Indian Student Federation doesn't get special treatment, so these Indians don't need to either. Then we're picking favourites, you racist. Nono.
This SLS thing sound pretty at first, but at least the Bilingualism Centre and the SAC do not need that money. The Pride Centre, WRC, CEHR, CSD, and iHouse are all the same service for different people - they help students get their luvvinz from other students, which is fine cuz nobody likes haiturz. The food bank and the PHC and Foot Patrol all help students stay students and (excluding the PHC) stay alive with no moneys.
But what of the SAC and the Bilingualism Centre? Those aren't services that require extra "emergency money." Sure, students are better thanks to them, but everyone would be just fine without them. Not as good off, but just fine. The other services are a rung above. Keeping that in mind, they are already getting plenty of cash, and we should give the "emergency money" to the more valuable services. So this referendum needs to be thrown out, and we need to vote on each service individually, methinks.
Not only that, but SLS screws up your mouth and skin. You can't vote for that. Nono.
Referendums 4-6 are non-issues. If people want to have their cancers and eat it too, they can do it on their campoos. If they want to send their dollahz to poor and/or dying chaps, let them. If they don't, that's fine too. But don't tase me, bro. Nono, nono, nono.
I think you are supposed to say native americans...just sayin' (the acres ppl could probably tell you better than me)
ReplyDeleteHere's the thing, in defense of the SLS referendum...
ReplyDelete1. It is at no cost to the students, and is simply a rubber stamp from the student population.
2. At this time, the CSD pays $7,500 from its regular operating budget to have access to it, and doesn't even use that much. To be honest, the CSD (if this referendum doesn't pass) would almost be better off *not* opting in...
To be honest, there is always an overwhelming surplus in this fund, and opening it up to other services (newer services often need extra funds for startup costs, furniture, stuff they don't have and NEED) would take care of that surplus.
3. Have you ever borrowed money from your mom? Stuff happens and it's always good for services to have a pool of money to dip into. The money is voted on, not handed out freely, and there are board members, the VP Finance, the service coordinators, and the VP S.A. on that committee. Lots of accountability, and if stuff got sketch, it would surely get back to the board.
So there you have it. I know this isn't a serious blog, but I just thought I'd put my two cents in.
It costs nothing, and it tastes good.
Vote "YES" to SLS.
Sylvia - no offense was intended by the lack of political correctness, I just wanted to say that they're no more mistreated than any other visible minority (I almost said that this was 'fortunate', but I'm not sure that it's an appropriate word to use when talking about racism) and don't need a dedicated service - they can have a cultural club like many other groups do.
ReplyDeleteVirginie - I'm not saying SLS should remain as exclusive as it is, I'm saying it should be opened only to the most valuable services. CSD was in that group by the way ;-) I just left SAC and the Bilingualism Centre out of the money. If those "less valuable" services turn out to be worth the money they receive and need some more, there can always be a referendum for it a la Bon Appetit right now (which I am in favour of).