Friday, February 6, 2009


o hai!
Student politicians are always prime candidates for lulz, and RPG does not make exception to the rule.
Once upon a time, there was a thing called Google.

Google is a pretty cool guy. Eh reveals your darkest online secrets to your future employers and doesn't afraid of anything.

If you're ArrrrghPeaGee, that means betraying deep, dark conservative values (scroll down to see, duh!).

Thankfully, our student journalists, always thirsty for scandals and blood, are all over the Google lulz. They know the rulez.

1. Take very uncommon name
2. Place in Google
3. Find bigoted message board post
4. ???
5. Profit!

Foar this reezon, Pretti Kitti would liek to give the Epic Troll award to La Rotonde, for knowing that the Internetz always hides people's best kept secrets. La Rotonde is also a pretty cool guy. Eh lieks scandalz, and doesn't afraid of anything.

Also, the Epic Fail awardz to Meestur PEEJEE foar forgetting to cover up his internets tracks before running for office.

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