Certain students (including yours truly) have not received their PIN at this time.
I woke up super early to get excited about democracy. See how excited I am now? This is what my happy face looks like:

Oh, and the explanation to every referendum is Kyle Simunovic's platform...
I lulzed, but it's too damn early to be clever about it.
UPDATE (9:50): Still no PIN number.
UPDATE (10:26): For those of you who still have not received a PIN, I am told that if you still have not received one by noon today, there is definitely a problem.
I will update if I get more info on the situation.
UPDATE (10:53): There are reports of people's online ballots not working. More on this, as soon as we get details.
UPDATE (11:14): It seems that La Rotonde had made a mistake regarding the information published under the platforms links. There were allegedly no irregularities.
I haven't received a PIN yet either! Methinks it's an anti-blogger conspiracy.