In this case we mean, THE MAN! The ONE, the ONLY, the KING OF SPAM!

Today, during debates the question of zombies and apocalypses came up... I am thinking something along the lines of the union between the set that is zombies, and the set that is apocalypses. So that leaves things out like the horsemen and such. Anyway, less talk about the various kinds of apocalypses and more talk about that MK dude.

If I would have to start a hate for everyone for following societal norms... I would prefer to say that we are more like robots. It makes more sense. Zombies are driven by pure instinct and survival. Robots. Not so much. They are programmed, follow schedules, procedures, and so on. So your fresh out of university jerk is more like a robot. Programmed to do "the man's" bidding. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I wouldn't say so. That is... until fucking skynet happens!

Wait a minute.
I spent my Comparative Politics class writing a fantastic post on the different theories of how to survive a Zombpocalypse.
ReplyDeleteIn the interest of conserving energy for its inevitable arrival, I will not write a new one.
I will instead play Left 4 Dead.